020 8520 5268 | Ashlins Natural Health, 181 Hoe Street, E17 3AP info@saraholiverosteopathy.com

Sit on Your Sitting Bones for Less Back Pain

Here’s a simple trick to improve your posture and reduce your risk of back pain. Simply sit on upright with your weight going through your sitting bones. This puts your pelvis and low back in a neutral position, reducing strain on your joints and muscles.  It...

Is your TV hurting your neck?

Did you know your TV could be hurting your neck? If your have to twist your neck to watch TV you may be putting unnecessary pressure on some of your joints.  Sitting in that position day in, day out will take its toll and you are likely to end up with neck pain....

Stretches for Sewists with Back & Neck Pain

It’s easy to get carried away when you’re busy sewing, but your back won’t thank you for it!  it’s important to take regular breaks and stretch out tense muscles. Here’s a quick and easy stretching routine for sewists.  I suggest...

Posture Tips for Sewists aka how to stop back pain

I really enjoy sewing – I love sitting down with some fabric and finishing up with something useful and pretty a few hours later. However, it can be pretty hard work on your body, leading to tight achy shoulders, necks and backs. Here are a few ways to keep...

How to Sit Properly When You Use a Laptop

I’ve already covered how to sit correctly at a desk top computer.  Laptops are a little trickier to deal with – they force you to look down at the screen.  This stresses the muscles and ligaments at the back of your neck and shoulders and can lead to pain...