020 8520 5268 | Ashlins Natural Health, 181 Hoe Street, E17 3AP info@saraholiverosteopathy.com

Sarah’s going on Maternity leave (again!)

Sarah is expecting her second child and will be going on Maternity leave very soon.Her final clinic days are:Tues 2nd JulyWeds 3rd JulyTues 9th JulyWeds 10th July. Book your appointment with Sarah at https://ashlins.janeapp.co.uk/#/osteopathy Nadia and Antonieta are...

We Love Working with Headaches

Did you know Nadia and Antonieta have a special interest in headaches & migraines? They can help you: identify the type of headache you experience, understand what causes and triggers your headaches, learn to self-manage and...

Christmas Osteopathy Clinic Hours

Fit in an Appointment Before Christmas Here are our last few clinics of 2022: Fri 16th Dec (Antonieta) Monday 19th Dec (Nadia) Tuesday 20th Dec (Sarah) Weds 21st Dec (Antonieta and Sarah) Friday 23rd Dec (Antonieta) Wednesday 28th Dec (Antonieta) We will re-open with...

I’m back at Ashlins from Weds 16th March

I’m returning from maternity leave on Weds 16th March. My hours will be 12.45 – 9pm every Wednesday. I also plan to start offering Tuesday mornings after Easter but will confirm nearer the time. To make an appointment visit https://www.ashlins.co.uk/olb/ or ring...

I’m Going on Maternity Leave!

I will be taking maternity leave from 23rd July 2021 – Spring 2022. My husband and I are expecting our first baby at the end of August, and we are very excited about it! I am sad to step away from work for a while but I am very happy to leave you in the capable...