I use Niel-Asher Technique (NAT) to treat shoulder pain and stiffness, including sufferers of rotator cuff tendinitis and frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis).

NAT uses a sequence of deep stroking massage and compression techniques to stimulate pain pathways . This seems to reduce pain and sensitivity and improve movement.
Patients often benefit from the shoulder feeling ‘well oiled’ with freer movement.

The treatment is can be quite intense as it uses deep pressure to the point of tolerable pain. However the benefits usually outweigh the temporary discomfort during treatment.
I also prescribe exercises and stretches to aid your recovery. Your exercise program will be emailed to you via Rehab My Patient and includes instructions, video guides and an exercise diary to help keep you on track.
If you are suffering with Shoulder pain make an appointment with me by calling 020 8520 5268.
Learn more by reading my articles about Shoulder Pain:
- What are knots and what can I do about them?
- Shoulder Exercise – The Prince Charles
- Example Exercise Plan for frozen shoulder (phase 1)
- Shoulder Stretch – Walk Up The Wall
- Shoulder Stretch – Pushing the Arm
- What are the stages of Frozen Shoulder?
- Stretch for Tight Shoulders – Shoulder Rotations
- Advice for Frozen Shoulder Sufferers
- Stretch for Shoulder Pain – Shoulder Shrugs
- How to Treat Frozen Shoulder