by sarah | Mar 2, 2017
Here is a nice easy exercise to help loosen stiff shoulders. 1. Sit or stand with good posture. 2. Keep your hands by your sides. 3. Rotate your shoulders in a circle; up to your ears and back down again. 4. Repeat in the other direction. Repeat for 2 minutes....
by sarah | Feb 16, 2017
We’ve already discussed what frozen shoulder is and how it can be treated. Today I’m going to share some tips and advice to reduce pain and hopefully speed up the healing process. Keep Moving Movement may feel uncomfortable but it’s really important...
by sarah | Feb 9, 2017
This is a very gentle exercise, suitable for the early, painful stages of a shoulder problem. I often use it with my Frozen Shoulder patients but it’s useful for many other conditions. 1. Sit or stand with good posture. 2. Shrug your shoulders up towards...
by sarah | Jan 26, 2017
Frozen Shoulder causes pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint. It does eventually clear up on its own, but this can take several years. There are several treatment options available: Painkillers Oral analgesics such as NSAIDS (ibuprofen, naproxen etc) and...
by sarah | Jan 19, 2017
Frozen Shoulder (aka Adhesive Capsulitis) is a relatively common disorder of the shoulder, causing pain and loss of movement. What Causes Frozen Shoulder? The exact cause is unknown but frozen shoulder appears to be more common in the 50+ age group and in...