Here’s another simple but effective exercise for loosening stiff shoulders. I like this exercise for phase 2 frozen shoulder but it can be useful for other conditions. You should not do this exercise if it is painful!
1. Stand next to a wall.
2. Using the affected arm, gently walk your fingers up the wall as far as you can go.
3. Note how far you can reach.
4. Slowly walk your fingers back down the wall.
Repeat three times. Perform 3 times a day.
You can also perform this exercise facing the wall, raising your arm in front of you.
– Keep breathing normally while you stretch. Do not hold your breath.
– Stretch gently and slowly. You should be able to feel a stretching sensation but it should not hurt.
– If a stretch becomes painful, stop immediately and seek advice from your therapist.
– Only perform stretches which have been prescribed or approved by a qualified individual such as your GP, physiotherapist or osteopath.