020 8520 5268 | Ashlins Natural Health, 181 Hoe Street, E17 3AP info@saraholiverosteopathy.com

How can you treat sciatica?

There are lots of treatment options for sciatica.  Different combinations will work for different people but any treatment needs to be informed by an accurate diagnosis.   Treatment basically involves reducing pain and improving your strength and flexibility....

How do you diagnose Sciatica?

Reaching a diagnosis is a bit like being a detective and collecting as many ‘clues’ as possible. We start by looking at your symptoms.  Sciatica usually presents with pain shooting down the back of your thigh and calf.  You may also have pins and needles...

My favourite stretches for Sciatica

Stretching and exercise are super useful for managing many conditions and sciatica is no exception.  Here are some examples of stretches for Sciatica.  Everyone is different though, so I recommend you seek professional guidance if you are in pain.   Stretch your...

Numb Bums and Back Pain – What is Sciatica?

Sciatica seems to be a well known but poorly understood condition. It generally refers to pain in the buttock and back of the leg, but can also include back pain, tingling, shooting pain, numbness and muscle tension. Sciatica is a result of irritation to the sciatic...