020 8520 5268 | Ashlins Natural Health, 181 Hoe Street, E17 3AP info@saraholiverosteopathy.com

Can you believe it is nearly May already? I’m certainly shocked at how quickly the year is going and hoping for some better weather very soon.


Read on for links to my favourite articles from the past month and an update on what’s happening in my world.

  1. Pizza for breakfast?

2.  How to design a home office you’ll actually use (start by checking the wifi signal!).

3. Do holidays make you happier and healthier?  “In a review of the research, Jessica de Bloom, from Radbound University, The Netherlands, says that the vacation effects of feeling healthy and happier are very strong but shortlived, so take more holidays – a short break seems as good as a two-week one“.

4.  A Little Happier: Remember to Go Outside.

5.  It seems that Harry Styles is a fan of Osteopathy and Pilates : http://buff.ly/1qvDHnu


What I’ve Been Up To

It’s been a while since I’ve written one of these posts and for good reason.  The last 6 months or so have been quite a whirlwind!

Last September we bought and moved in to our first flat.  Settling in took quite a while – we had no furniture when we moved and it took more than 6 weeks to get an internet connection – but we made it eventually!

In February we adopted two little monsters, our cats Sky and Leo.  They’re from Scratching Post Cat Rescue who I highly recommend if you’d like a cat or two in your life.  These two may look cute but they’ve taken to waking us for breakfast at 5am every morning.

Sky and Leo


We’ve also been busy planning our wedding which is now just 6 weeks away.  I can’t quite believe it’s coming around so quickly.   We’ve booked a 2 week honeymoon in Peru for straight after the wedding and I can’t wait!

I’m off to spend the bank holiday weekend assembling a shed and returfing the lawn. This is our jungle of a garden on the day we moved in.   I’ll show you an ‘after’ photo next month.garden-before


Listening to: Helen Love – Debbie Loves Joey

What have you done this month?